Tuesday, August 28, 2007


"There's no such thing as writers' block, writers just get stuck"
It's not word for word what Neil Gaimen said at Comicon (so probably shouldn't have quotation marks) but its the general gist of it. He did go on to comment on the irony of people writing blog entry after blog entry about how they're suffering from writer's block.. by writing about it.
So, with that in mind, this particular darkened corner of the internet will hopefully become a means by which I can consistently force myself to begin to, and more importantly continue to, write again.
It's a little odd to type this now, knowing no one else knows this exists.. so in effect I'm talking to myself, but all things must start somewhere. Hopefully this will become a place where interesting I can note interesting writing things (to myself or others), comment on random life, ramble on about writing in books, movies, TV and comics and generally just put digital words to digital paper.
There we go, a beginning, such as it is. Now onto the 'middle'.

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