Thursday, November 22, 2007

Word count - Day 23

38,183 words down, 11,817 words to go.

It's officially week 4. Actually I think it was officially week 4 yesterday, but the time zone and dates are a little confusing to fatigued mind. Either way, its the home stretch, so to speak.
It's been a different experience writing this year as opposed to previous nano's. Life has changed, I haven't written for a while, work if far more intrusive than it ever used to be. All that said I think the effort put into writing this year has been far more consistent and steady (at least that's what my graph on the nanowrimo site shows).
Would I attempt to continue writing 1667 words per day? Not at all.. well, unless I wasn't working. But I am impressed at being able to do so for an extended period of time, and not having saved the last 10-15K for the final two days. I'll complain about it, the lack of sleep because I chose to write late (or the writing only chooses to be written late), less relaxing downtime, behind on TV and games.. but all in all I'm happy about doing it and have already found myself thinking 'what next?'

Target for tonight is still 40K, which is doable, but probably not an easy achievement with other commitments tonight. Still, it would set things up well for the weekend. I think the characters are cooperating enough to let me get to 40K, though what direction they want to go after that is still a point of debate. I'm hoping the downward slope of the last 10K will help add some weight to the discussion. At this point, the 50K mark may be a cliff-hanger ending and I'll go back to doing plot work for a while before continuing to write it again.

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