Tuesday, September 11, 2007

And now for something completely different…

Eight days to build a concept, write a five page treatment of said concept and five sequential pages of comic book script. Easy, right?

Top Cow are running a contest at Armageddon con in October and entries have to be in no later that Sept 21st. No small task to do all that in a compressed timeframe and a few other things are going to have to be moved around in order to just find the time. All that said, the challenge sounds like a lot of fun (and only a little terrifying at the same time). Not only does the work have to be good enough to get past the initial application stage, but if you’re one of the lucky few to get that far it leads to a 10min verbal presentation in front of David Wohl (Darkness and Witchblade creator) at the con. No pressure.

The real challenge is going to be coming up with something ‘new’ that can capture interest in a short amount of time and still be written with some sense of literary responsibility. Of course, it could be said that any short piece of writing should aspire to the same values.

I wonder how much electricity it takes to jump start the creative mind.

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