Sunday, September 30, 2007

Start the Countdown

Let the countdown begin..

Nanowrimo starts in a month, which gives me that long to work on a plot for this year. The rules are simple enough, write 50K words in one month. There’s a ‘strong suggestion’ that it not be screenplays, poetry, fan-fiction etc but given the intent of the exercise is just to force you to write regularly and consistently on one topic, I imagine it works however you treat it. Plot planning beforehand is well within the rules so you don’t need to come up with the idea and do all the pre-work in the space of the same month.

I’d actually like to get another short piece (or two, though that might be overly enthusiastic given everything else going on at the moment) completed before November. That requires a little more work on my part. Last week was a ‘week off’ from writing after the comic script, so this week the plan is to get back into things. We’ll see how well that works.

Nothing back on the comic script submitted. I’m hoping to at least get some sort of warning if I’m expected to do a 10min pitch at Armageddon. If I don’t hear anything by the end of this week I’ll throw them another email.

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